The Flipped “Phenom”
Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
hearing a lot of “Flip This” and “Flip That” nowadays, and to be quite frank,
the more I read, the more I believe we’re on to something extraordinarily
speaking of the Flipped Classroom and the buzz it’s generating.
we’re hearing success stories from those deserving of accolade, such as “Flipped”
Pioneers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Simms, Master Teachers from Woodland Park,
Colorado or from Greg Green, Principal of Clintondale High School in Clinton
Township, Michigan, the message is the same:
Flipping is working: Students are engaged; failure rates are down, and discipline
is improving.
… nothing is wrong with that!
can’t wait until we get some solid research to see for sure.
all of you know what Flipped Classrooms are nowadays, but for those who would
like a lay definition, here goes: Flipped
instruction has students watching lectures and other forms of direct
instruction via the Internet, smart phones, or DVD’s on their own time. They then return to class where the
instructor serves as a coach, a guide, and an all-around “go-to” person to
facilitate deeper learning.
is the opposite of presenting the instruction while students are in class and
then asking them to go home to apply and extend upon what they learned.
“flipping,” Green’s Clinton Township failure rates were down overall, around 33%
– down from 52% to 19% in English, from 44% to 13% in Math, from 41% to 19% in
Science, and from 28% to 9% in Social Studies (Green [CNN], 2012). Sweet stats!!
Tweet or surf, and you’ll hear positive anecdotal information abound.
… I see all of this as elementary. Why?
-- NOT
because flipped instruction requires any less than the deep preparation
accorded all other pedagogical techniques in teacher education programs.
-- NOT
because technology has provided a template to make things easier, as quality
flipped instruction takes a surgeon’s eye and a therapist’s precision in its
development and craft.
-- And
NOT because the rest of us have been grossly “upside down” in our understanding
of best practice for so many years and in need of enlightenment.
elementary, in a “foundational” sense, because the notion of the flipped classroom,
“done well,” is simply a creative, re-packaging of the qualities of foundational
instruction that should be happening – flipped or not – when we take into
consideration how students are wired for learning.
give it this; flipped instruction is probably on balance, a bit more efficient.
Saltman (2011) in the Harvard Education Letter’s “Tech Talk” presents three
necessary components that “beginners” should put into their flipped
instructional cycles: (1) exploring,
(2) explaining, and (3) applying.
Exploring involves initial
teacher/student interaction, where prior knowledge is engaged and concepts of
study are relevant and articulated in a way that students can understand. Explaining
involves the more didactic instruction that goes home with students, viewable
through the Internet, DVD’s, and/or smartphones. Finally, Applying
involves students and teacher working together on what has been presented toward
higher levels of engagement (Saltman, 2011).
I have flipped, but I see this simply as good-ole’-fashioned teaching, albeit
with new technology and a bit more efficiency.
Let’s return to the elementary notion in all of this.
students learn the WHY behind something (“Why” it’s important), they’ll want
better to learn the WHAT. Further, the
WHAT helps them to learn the HOW. The WHY-WHAT-HOW
teaching and learning sequence is simply good teaching.
the Flipped Classroom, the Exploring
phase (“Day 1”) offers WHY instruction is relevant by making schematic
connections. The Explaining phase/evening (“Night 1”) provides the WHAT the
content. Finally, the Applying phase (“Day 2”) reinforces HOW
we can extend and apply the learning (Saltman, 2011). It’s the WHY-WHAT-HOW teaching and learning
sequence, again … simply good teaching.
… with credit to those flipping, I DO agree that of the three, the WHAT portion
is learned most efficiently on one’s own.
traditionalist colleagues, however, may push back, contending that the
discourse involved in face-to-face instruction is a requisite component of a
quality education. I cannot disagree. Having a good teacher (not just any teacher,
but a good one) around during the WHAT would be the “Cadillac,” yet admittedly,
this ideal of effectiveness would hamper the efficiency demanded by today’s extrinsic
factors of “mandate.”
So let
us go ahead and FLIP. Foundationally, it
makes sense.
while we’re at it (as some of my students are now suggesting), let us try
flipping staff meetings, professional development outings, leadership
roundtables, and school board meeting work-sessions as well.
must be careful, however, that when doing so, we understand the importance of
EACH part of the learning equation – the WHY, WHAT, and HOW.
to bring incredible “care in production” to the WHAT in this new medium would
run the risk of shortchanging those more inter/intrapersonal, tactile, or
kinesthetic, as well as those who are averse to didactic instruction or
“anything technology.”
those most prone to frustration end-up as de-facto, 2nd-class
citizens in this new, delivery medium, then any notion of the benefits of flipped
instruction will most certainly be “flipped-off.”
Green, G. (2012, January 18). My view:
Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed [Web log post].
Retrieved from
Saltman, D. (2011, November/December).
Flipping for beginners: Inside the new classroom craze. Harvard Education Letter 27(6). Retrieved at
Dr. Ryan Donlan encouraged your thoughts, opinions,
feelings, reactions, reflects, as well as any intended actions you have based
on his short article in this week’s Ed. Leadershop. Please consider contacting him if you like
for any further conversation at or at (812) 237-8624.