Thank you for visiting the ISU Ed. Leadershop. Our intent over the past few years has been to field-test community-engaged writings for PK-20 practitioner conversation -- quick, 5-minute "read's" that help put into perspective the challenges and opportunities in our profession. Some of the writings have remained here solely; others have been developed further for other outlets. Our space has been a delightful "sketch board" for some very creative minds in leadership, indeed.
We believe that by kicking around an idea or two and not getting too worked-up over it, the thinking and writing involved have even greater potential to make a difference on behalf of those we serve. In such, please give us a read; share with others. We encourage your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and reactions to our work and thank you for taking your time. You keep us relevant.
[Technical Note: If you find that your particular web browser does not allow you to view our articles for a full-text read, please simply select another browser and enjoy.]
We believe that by kicking around an idea or two and not getting too worked-up over it, the thinking and writing involved have even greater potential to make a difference on behalf of those we serve. In such, please give us a read; share with others. We encourage your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and reactions to our work and thank you for taking your time. You keep us relevant.
[Technical Note: If you find that your particular web browser does not allow you to view our articles for a full-text read, please simply select another browser and enjoy.]
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Our Collection of Leadership "Reads"
Thank you for visiting the ISU Ed. Leadershop. For a handful of years, we have collected and catalogued great articles (five-minute "reads") from current and former educational leaders, with the intent that they would be helpful and interesting to leaders and their teams. We hope you will browse our collection and enjoy what we have to offer. Please do not hesitate to let us know what you think of our articles, by contacting us at Again, we appreciate your visiting, and YOU, for all you do.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
What's Your Story?
What’s Your Story?
By Dr. E. Scott England
North Side Elementary
Fairfield, Illinois
This past July I was
fortunate enough to attend the inaugural Aspiring Superintendent Academy hosted
by the Illinois Association for School Administrators (IASA). Though 41 of the 42 participants hailed from
Illinois, we did have one aspiring superintendent join us from Maryland.
Throughout the week-long
academy, we got to experience what it is like running a school through the “big
seat.” Simulations, mock press
conferences, and budgeting scenarios are just a few examples of our
The academy was run by
two rock star superintendents who put the “Super” in superintendent. Dr. Nick Polyak and Dr. Mike Lubelfeld
exemplify what meaningful teaching and learning is all about. Every activity they created involved
hands-on, collaboration, and a short time frame to accomplish the
activity. In other words, creating a
learning experience that best mirrors what real-life is like in education.
They also brought in
guest speakers every day. Speakers
ranged from superintendents from northern, central, and southern Illinois,
superintendents from other states, the CEO from the EdTechTeam, and even a
state representative. We did legal
scenarios with the help of lawyers from a law firm specializing in education
law. Yet, even with all the activities
and guests, one thing I took away from my amazing week in Springfield was this:
Everyone has a story.
At first glance, one
might brush it aside as if everyone already knows this.
“Of course we have a
story, big deal.”
Oh but it is so much
more than that though. Our story has
directed our career to where we are now.
Or is forming the path for where we want to go in the future.
Think about a biography
you have read on someone famous. Any
biography would illustrate my point, but for sake of having an example, I’m
going to select Open: An Autobiography
about renowned tennis player Andre Agassi.
Just hearing his name,
most could make the argument that he was one of the greatest male tennis
players in history. But as Agassi tells
his story, you begin to see a deeper picture of a man who struggled with fame,
was often unhappy off the court, and became so depressed that he resorted to
drugs just to fight the inner demons.
You also read of how he
overcame these low points in his career to build the name that we all
know. How he overcame a failed first
marriage to find solace with his wife of now 15 years, former tennis player
Steffi Graf.
What you find in Open is Agassi’s story.
And we all have one.
I am not just a
I was a student who
struggled in high school and was recommended not to look toward the college
path. A student who completed his
Associate’s at an area community college, but couldn’t find success at a
four-year university.
A student who began to
believe that some of the folks at his high school were right.
I was a factory worker
who experienced what long hours really were.
A worker who was almost happy but felt a void. A person who knew more was out there.
I was a man who found
his wife; who started a family; who began to watch his son grow. I was a former college student who wanted to
be a high school English teacher, but now someone who thought maybe, just
maybe, that elementary teaching was his calling.
I was an untraditional
college student, returning after taking close to seven years off. But now a student who was finding successes
in his studies.
I was a student teacher
that had the unbelievable opportunity of having my own first grade teacher as
my cooperating teacher. The same teacher
that made me want to go into teaching in the first place.
I took over my first
classroom two days after I completed student teaching (which in and of itself
is remarkable that a school would go through so much trouble to even hire me
like that).
I eventually became a
first grade teacher in my home district.
Taking over the classroom that I not only student taught in, but remember
who occupied the room before me? That’s
right. I took over for my teaching
While teaching first
grade, I completed my Master’s, my Specialist’s, and became A.B.D. in my
doctoral program.
I also missed out on
what I thought was my dream job.
Turns out, the best
thing that could have ever happened to me was being turned down for that
job. Because that is how my family and I
found our new town and new school district.
And that’s where my
story has brought me today. Sitting
behind a principal’s desk overseeing a phenomenal faculty and staff. My diploma proudly displaying my Ph.D. on the
wall. A long way removed from that
lackadaisical high school student who was told college may not be my cup of
As it turns out, maybe I
just needed the help of different co-authors.
Dr. Polyak and Dr. Lubelfeld served as co-authors to my story for one
week back in July. They taught me to
look for my story.
Dr. Scott England is an amazing school leader
whose humility outdistances his incredible intelligence and contribution. We at the Leadershop recommend your getting
to know him well. If you would like to
talk further, please feel free to contact Dr. England at [].
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Treasure Hunt
By Dr. Donovan Garletts
Dame Catholic School
City, Indiana
As educators it is our duty to seek out
empirical data to drive the decision-making process. As an academic authoring
this piece, the same responsibility is present, but the foundation here is
meant to drive thinking, encourage research, and to plant the seed, per se.
It is vital you understand this distinction as a
reader before you proceed. Let this serve as a disclaimer – that I neither
support nor reject the information contained herein, but rather wish to share
as a mini “think tank.”
Over the last several decades, the States have
been inundated with Federal Education Reform and corresponding mandates. The
power and authority of individual, state-level Departments of Education have
been stripped in a sense. Much of the decision-making is done for the states
through Federal intervention at an unprecedented level.
Be it assessment, curriculum, programs, or a
variety of other instances, the Federal government has tried to unify America’s
educational system in a way that has not necessarily worked out. The most
recent intervention, the reauthorization of ESEA (Elementary and Secondary
Education Act) under the new name of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), has
supplanted NCLB (No Child Left Behind), but we are yet to see the results
because of the nature of its infancy.
That said, we have slowly seen our country fall
behind other countries in various assessed subjects, and it has been noted we
are no longer producing our own “world-renowned” physicists, scientists,
doctors, etc., but rather hiring them from abroad.
All of this leads us to scratch our heads in an
attempt to answer the lingering question of “Why?”
Perhaps the most talked about (and controversial)
areas of education as of late are curriculum (Common Core State Standards),
development of the whole child (Rigorous Homework vs. Family Time), and
technology (1-to-1 Technology, Learning Management Systems, etc.).
Below are summaries of informative, yet
provocative, articles that I hope will start an extended conversation at the
building level. The articles in full are cited below for your viewing pleasure.
We must continually evolve, transform, and engage in the teaching and learning
The Educational System of
Finland has long been touted as one of the top
educational systems in the world. The basic philosophy is to let children be children
and learn through play, exploration, and the inquisitive nature of young minds.
No formal school starts until age seven and
proceeds until the equivalent of our ninth grade. Upon the successful
completion of the nine obligatory years, students and families have the choice
to attend traditional secondary for three years (university prep), vocational
school, or enter the workforce.
During the formal primary and intermediate
educational years, most students do not start school until 9:00 a.m., citing
consistent research on pupils and sleep needs, and end before 3:00 p.m. The
short school day is intended to allow more preparation time for teachers
outside of the normal school day, while intensifying the day for students.
Finnish students rarely receive homework, and
neither students nor instructors are subjected to the same high-stakes testing
we see in America. Testing certainly still exists, but it does not carry the
same power of persuasion as it does here with regard to student achievement, funding,
and jobs.
To put simply, Finland goes against the grain
when speaking of education with a truly less-as-more
Dinner or Homework?
If you have Internet access you have likely seen
the “New Homework Policy” note that has gone viral.
The idea is becoming an unavoidable conversation
between parents and educators, but it is not new. In fact, entire school
districts have gone to a no homework policy as early as 2014.
What is driving this relatively innovative
education idea?
Could it be a domino effect of high-stakes
testing? One that creates instructors so concerned about tests they inundate
students with enough daily work to last them a month then parents become so fed
up with the amount of homework their children are assigned they search for a
“better way?”
Proponents of the no homework philosophy cite
“mounds” of research that point to no quantifiable improvement of student
achievement between students with or without homework, but I have yet to see
It is likely just too subjective to prove.
That said, there is major substance and evidence
linked to the importance of social growth and extracurricular educational
opportunities. Both of which would be more accessible in a no-homework world.
Technical Difficulties
The idea that technology could potentially be
hindering our students is not something most educators are willing to back.
Perhaps we have simply been programmed to think otherwise. After all, any and
all governmental entities, accrediting agencies, and even textbook companies
are pushing technology as the only way to increase student achievement.
Should technology be more a common sense
application than a mandated educational structure?
Take the time to Google “Waldorf Schools” and
simply read Waldorf’s philosophy on the absence of technology.
You see what I did there? -- Use technology to do research on a school
system that (largely) doesn’t believe in technology.
Research completed by the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (UK) in 2015 examined how technology in
schools impacted student achievement on multiple international exams.
The results?
In short, students with extended exposure to
technology show “no appreciable improvements” in any of the tested subjects.
Are schools simply becoming enablers for students addicted to technology they
use at home?
I hope this short piece will not only offer some
thought as you continuously work to improve your schools, but will serve as a
catalyst to start an ongoing conversation.
Please share your thoughts with me using Twitter
(@CoachGarletts). I cannot wait to hear from you all, and if you are laughing
at my request technology-infused communication, irony happens to be one of my
favorite things!
Coughlan, S. (2015,
September 15). Computers do not improve
pupil results says OECD. Retrieved from
Doyle, W. (2016, August
30). A world education leader is fleeing
Common Core and other American Ideas, we should pay attention. Retrieved
Habib, N. (2016,
September 6). No-homework policies
attracting attention. Retrieved from
Kardaras, N. (2016,
August 27th). It’s digital
heroin: how screens turn kids into psychotic junkies. Retrieved from
Kelly, J. (2015, April
15). 11 ways Finland’s education system
shows us that less is more. Retrieved from
Koerber, B. (2016,
August 22). Teacher absolutely nails it with new homework policy. [Web log
comment]. Retrieved from
Dr. Donovan
Garletts is passionate about myriad issues that confront the “forefront” of
K-12 education and can be reached for conversation and commentary at his
Twitter account above. Please reach-out
and let him know your thoughts regarding his article, and of course, the
articles he references.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Your Genie; One Wish
Your Genie; One Wish
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
You’re a school principal.
You live in Anywhere, USA, big or small.
Pressures of school accountability are what they are. They’re tough to deal with at times.
You love the challenge, or at least you say you do (when at
You have good teachers, good staff members, and parents who
love their kids. The difficulties you
face are typical of the principalship: Older generations struggling to
understand newer generations; ever-moving performance targets; the up’s and
down’s of performance scores on annual standardized tests; and difficulties
finding new teachers wanting to enter the profession who are properly licensed
for your openings.
And . . . you really do have the BEST job in the world!
Those of us who have been principals really “get this.”
Then, while heading down your school
building hall one day, you meet a Genie with a lamp.
As you introduce yourself and ask for its hall pass, you hear
from your Genie that everyone is being asked to do more with less nowadays,
even Genies.
(The Genie is able to offer you a hall pass, because . . .
well, it's a Genie)
Anyway, you find-out the Genie has only one wish available to
grant. Your only option will be multiple
choice, as open-ended responses are simply too costly to process.
You are, however, welcome to provide your answer on a
Here goes:
Would you rather have:
a. One million dollars in cash, yet with a surrender of your administrator’s
b. A contractual roll-over guaranteed with a 3% raise every year for a
lifetime, no matter how well the students and school do each year.
c. A love of lifelong learning guaranteed for every one of your students for
the next 50 years, yet with standardized testing scores that may or may not
meet state expectations.
d. Standardized testing scores for all
students meeting or exceeding state performance expectations for the next 50
e. Nothing really.
Dr. Ryan Donlan hopes that K-12
building principals will see themselves as critically important to the lives of
students, and thus capable of making decisions that have opportunity/cost
consequences. Good decisions. Just decisions. Smart decisions. What decision would you hope the principal of
your child would make? If you would like
to share, please let Dr. Donlan know at
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Executive Presence: A "Must" in Educational Leadership
Executive Presence: A “Must”
in Educational Leadership
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational
Bayh College of Education,
Indiana State University
I have been asked to speak to an MBA
class this fall on the concept of Executive Presence, as applied to
education. Admittedly, a nebulous
concept, yet one that if used in moderation, can add a nutritional boost to
one’s leadership. In terms of how this
applies to those of us working in P-12 education, I'm thinking about describing
it as follows:
Presence is . . .
Something between the dichotomy of “officious”
and “chummy.”
Something noticed without needing to see
it when heard; and something noticed without needing to hear it when seen.
Something that exists on a
conscious/competence continuum, in different stages of our professional
careers: At first, we are unconscious
regarding our incompetence at it (in our blind spot). Then, we are conscious of that
incompetence. Over time, we work on our
competence with executive presence, consciously. Once doing so, we become unconsciously competent
at it eventually, as it become how we “roll.” Finally, we use our conscience, unconscious
competence of executive presence as we teach it to others.
Something that can be worn without donning
a professional outfit, but can use one as an accessory.
Something that reminds us of the old E.F.
Hutton Commercial, because when someone with Executive Presence talks, “. . . people
Something that seasons with the passing
of time, the raising of children, and with positive treadwear.
Something that can be learned as a skill,
yet with some having it as a talent.
Something that appears more authentic
when individualized to one’s personality and context.
Something that allows one to leverage positively,
organizational culture.
Something that requires one to understand
that oneself is “OK,” and others are too.
Something whose arms can hug, whose
fingers can pull a trigger, whose hands can wield a pen of clemency, whose
heart can forgive, and whose mind does not forget.
Presence – Nebulous, yet
critical for any successful, practicing principal or superintendent. What would its picture look like next to the
dictionary definition?
Who is its poster child in your district?
Ryan Donlan is working as an author, speaker, trainer, and graduate faculty member
to help others build their levels of executive presence in P-12 education. If you would like to help him flesh out the
skeleton of this construct, please give him a call at (812) 237-8624 or write
him at He would love to talk.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
In "Alex's" Class: On Tour, Where All's Good
In “Alex’s” Class:
On Tour, Where All’s Good!
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
Two days ago, I stood face-to-face
with something that got my attention.
On a trip with family at Rocky Mountain National Park near
Boulder, Colorado, I was traveling in an 8-passenger rental vehicle that I
would be using to drive nearly 12,000 feet above sea level, on a narrow,
winding dirt road with steep ravines, thousand foot drops, and no guard rails.
Even to this formerly active skydiver,
the notion of driving my family up such a path was intimidating.
I was a bit pensive.
Tour guide “Alex” from Alex Rocky Mountain Tours offered to
drive if I wished, and while respecting his skills and expertise, I opted to
keep my hands on my own wheel and let Alex tend to his craft: Guiding and
I’m not sure why I do not possess
the rush for incidence that I once had . . . possibly a result of marriage and child-rearing,
or just plain accumulated wisdom about what one should and should-not-do,
Driving large vehicles up narrow
paths with no guardrails, thousands of feet in the air: typically a should-not-do, from my perspective.
Thus, I made no hesitation in asking a series of questions to
an incredibly patient “Alex,” as he offered us options on which trek to take –
the exhilarating trek or the still-cool-yet-admittedly-more-mild-pathway.
My words, not his.
He made each sound like an adventure.
I began the negotiations with the “still-cool” option.
Pretty firm on the safer option, with a gentle nudge or two I
was provided kind assurances that the more-exhilarating dirt road was, in fact,
a more learned option . . . even a one-way path for our safety, with little-to-no
chance of oncoming Winnebago’s careening toward us around tight curves.
Ok, so I capitulated to my much-more-adventurous family.
Fast forward past our incredible tour
and ascension up the mountain – the awe-inspiring views, Alex’s great stories, humbling
geographic formations carved by once-glacial activity, and wildlife (from
small, yellow-bellied marmots, to the towering 700 pound Elk just up the
Fast forward as well past the lunch at the top, gifts
purchased, and a descent that was as unsettling (to me) as the climb (paved,
yet with two-way traffic, still bereft of guardrails).
Fast-forward past the family recount of what was the coolest
part of the trip, and what else came close.
What happened next in reflection was
fairly predicable to those who know me . . . my thoughts went to P-12
leadership, and more particularly this time, teachership.
It was borne of my initial worry as family protector.
You see . . . Alex was, in a sense,
our teacher.
And we were his students.
Alex was providing to us a day in school, and we were experiencing
things that were a bit unsettling, things that were totally unfamiliar, yet
things good for us.
Probably sounds like your first few weeks in school this
year, doesn’t it?
Or . . . your first few weeks to come.
Here is what really stuck out, to
Can you imagine what might have
been going through the mind of Alex!?!?
am I meeting today?
they patient, or demanding?
they receptive, or are they know-it-all’s?
I teach them? Will they learn?
they apply what I share to their lives, and to others’?
Here’s something else.
Alex had the courage to hop into an 8-passenger vehicle, soon
to be heading up a mountain to an altitude of nearly 12,000 feet, with an
unfamiliar driver he had never met (me) and a narrow winding dirt road with
steep ravines, thousand foot drops, and no guard rails.
That took guts!
Alex did all of this without any of us ever seeing him sweat.
He even took care of the "little things" that would be a distraction to most (or left of radar), and these were greatly appreciated!
He even took care of the "little things" that would be a distraction to most (or left of radar), and these were greatly appreciated!
And it is quite possible all-the-while that he was sweating . . . yet again and if so, invisibly.
I now realize that Alex had no idea
if I were to be demanding, accepting, a good listener, or a know-it-all. He did not know how I would handle stress. Alex didn’t even know if I could drive that
well, because to be quite frank, passing a driver’s test is a pretty low bar,
given the climb we were about to make and the road upon which to make it.
Yet, Alex hopped in the Tahoe. Alex is a great teacher, and that is what the best do!
How many of your teachers, despite
the dangers they face – those to their
professional reputations for taking chances, with job security determined by high-stakes
accountability systems – hop into the Tahoe and take that ride???
Do we as leaders stop and ponder what is happening in each of
our 29-passenger Tahoes, up those steep ravines?
We are so fortunate each day that our teachers teach much like
Alex, where everyone is ON TOUR with learning, and ALL’s GOOD!
Dr. Ryan Donlan has the
deepest of admiration for the thousands of P-12 teachers who are heading back
into the classrooms this summer and fall.
Please consider following Dr. Donlan on Twitter at @RyanDonlan or
contacting him at
sharing a story of your “Alex” who is taking folks to the Alpine and back in
one piece, with a newfound appreciation of things they are experiencing that
might scare them, but in the hands of a good teacher, turn-out for the best.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Connecting the Dots
the Dots
By Dustin Jorgensen
Park Elementary
of Educational Leadership
College of Education
State University
Ryan Donlan
of Educational Leadership
College of Education
State University
Playing “connect the dots” as a child is an experience that brings
much joy. Most of us can recall that
when we were very young, the game started with a picture that had very few dots
on it, yet a lot of solid lines. We
could pretty much tell what the image was before even setting crayon to
But the
reward of connecting those dots was in looking at the final picture and saying,
“Look what I drew!”
Then, we
get older. The lines went away and more
dots appeared.
this was pretty cool. There was a bit of
mystery in our not being able to tell what the image was when first looking at
the page of dots. Sure, there might be a
hint or a category, but it wasn’t until we got halfway through (or toward the
end) that we could actually discern the image.
there was great satisfaction. We
It was always cool when the picture
materialized and we had a sense of accomplishment.
In later
years growing up, we still played these games, yet with a bit more of an
academic flair, intentionally infused in the activity. Remember placing the dots, ourselves, on a
coordinate grid, after doing a bit of math?
Not only did we learn about mathematical concepts and relationships, we
were actually applying what we know and still got to come up with a fun picture
to color in the end.
We have
noticed, however, that in real life, connecting the dots has lost a bit of its
luster. And that is too bad, as it is
very much an undersold developmental skill in terms of its importance to us in
our lives.
As we
have avoided these connections once they became a little more work and a little
less fun, we have done something to ourselves as a society.
We now
often live our lives as if the only dot we care about is ours.
We see
one dot; not a bigger picture.
There is
little room for a “we,” “us,” “they,” or “them,” atop a dot.
It’s this
big: .
Robert Putnam (2000) might say that this is why we are now bowling alone, if we
are bowling at all.
believe that it is time to connect the dots again.
It is
time to make it fun.
It is a
time to help children make sense of the world.
It is
time that adults do as well.
professional lives seem to revolve around testing children in core subjects and
trying to compete on international tests.
And because of this, policymakers and educational practitioners have put
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs and character education offerings on
their back burners . . . with no heat.
While we
know that all children thirst for experiences that prepare them for gainful
life in our society, are we giving them the help they need? Think how many of them are dealing with the
setbacks of troubled homes. Elias (2016)
pointed out that it isn’t just about parents helping their own children, but
that any adult that interacts with children can affect their development.
educators, we are called to embrace the most important of what society has
abrogated. But are we equipped?
We are
not communicating. And, it isn’t just
Parents share
with us at times that they don’t know why their kids are misbehaving in our
schools. Could it be that we are all
just too busy for a sit-down meal? Oh, and living vicariously through our
children’s parentally manufactured activity commitments, we didn’t get that
homework done last night either because practice lasted until 10:00.
season is that sport???
round. Duh!
If it’s
not sports, it’s dance, or something else, where some parents at times (and
tragically) seem to show-up to participate in their own social-pecking
order. It seems (when we allow ourselves
to “go negative”) that being at practice or a competition is enjoyed for the sole
purpose of having a comfortable place to text, rather than to watch children .
. . or so that we can over-share details about our lives with others within
What do you mean you didn’t see the picture of me at the
game? I posted it on Facebook, Tweeted
it, and shared it!
to a recent study (Decarr, 2016), average participants visited social media sites
30 times per week. This is a study of
adults! You can’t walk in the mall or
down the street without almost bumping in to someone on his or her “smart”
phone. The same study found that the way social media
was used led to maladaptive outcomes for some participants.
if we put down this same media and ask our children how their days were and what
they learned at school.
To do so
would be a viable option for better communication, and to be quite frank, might
even lessen the probability that a picture of your family’s laundry would go
“viral” accidentally. It may even offer
a temporary reprieve from the angst of someone “un-friend-ing” you because you
stole someone else’s significant other (and heaven forbid the disappointment
that no one “liked” the post that you spent a lot of time and effort posing
for, at soccer practice).
This is
very much where we are developmentally as a country: Many of us standing upon dots, with no
connections to help us show our children the way. The 1300 “friends” you have on Facebook don’t
don’t put pictures under our armpits to develop them anymore.
Images can
be shared with one tap of a button or one click of a mouse. And the damage can be life-changing.
according to a recent report, most schools hire more security officers than
school counselors (Education News, 2016), and schools are under increasing
pressure to measure-up in two core content areas, with a disproportionate
amount of time and focus attending to them, when we see our children’s lives
with waning foundations and certainly few connections from which they can learn
appropriately, and grow.
social media playing such a prominent role, shouldn’t we hire professionals who
can intervene and counsel students regarding social issues, or at least allow
those who are qualified to take the time?
A school counselor cannot afford to help create schedules and prepare
kids for college, let alone police the standardized testing windows and embargo
schools need to provide ambassadors for appropriate citizenship, shoulders to
cry on, strong head toward which to turn , and someone who can help a young
person deal with a world in which their parents are not currently living, and
sometimes ones in which they “do,” a bit too much.
time to connect the dots!
We need
to help children deal with their real worlds, not ours.
Decarr, K. (2016, April 11).
Do Links Between Social Media, Depression, and Addiction Exist? Education News. Retrieved from
Elias, M. (2016, April 6).
5 Myths Working Against Character Education in Our Schools. Edutopia.
Retrieved from
Putnam, R. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New
York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
Scott, R. (2016, April 1).
Largest School Districts Hire More Security Officers Than Counselors. Education News. Retrieved from
Dustin Jorgensen and Ryan
Donlan want to put the “real” back into the real needs of children in public
schools. If you would like to connect
the dots while connecting with them, please feel free to contact them at and
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