Thank you for visiting the ISU Ed. Leadershop. Our intent over the past few years has been to field-test community-engaged writings for PK-20 practitioner conversation -- quick, 5-minute "read's" that help put into perspective the challenges and opportunities in our profession. Some of the writings have remained here solely; others have been developed further for other outlets. Our space has been a delightful "sketch board" for some very creative minds in leadership, indeed.
We believe that by kicking around an idea or two and not getting too worked-up over it, the thinking and writing involved have even greater potential to make a difference on behalf of those we serve. In such, please give us a read; share with others. We encourage your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and reactions to our work and thank you for taking your time. You keep us relevant.
[Technical Note: If you find that your particular web browser does not allow you to view our articles for a full-text read, please simply select another browser and enjoy.]
We believe that by kicking around an idea or two and not getting too worked-up over it, the thinking and writing involved have even greater potential to make a difference on behalf of those we serve. In such, please give us a read; share with others. We encourage your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and reactions to our work and thank you for taking your time. You keep us relevant.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Happy Holidays from the Sycamores!!
On behalf of the Department of Educational Leadership in the Bayh College of Education at Indiana State University, we send to you our well-wishes for the happiest and safest of holiday seasons, with much time for family, friends, and personal & professional rejuvenation. We thank you for the support of our Blog in 2011 and look forward to many meaningful conversations in 2012 and beyond. Please consider offering commentary on our postings in the New Year, as your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and reactions to our posts are most-welcome, indeed. We will be offering our next post, for your information and review, after the New Year. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes in the New Year from ISU! Go Trees!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Assessing Common Sense: An Overview of Intelligent Opinions
Assessing Common Sense: An Overview of Intelligent Opinions
Dr. Steve Gruenert
Associate Professor
& Departmental Chairperson
Department of
Educational Leadership
Bayh College of
Indiana State
Blogmaster’s Note: Educational
practitioners speak at times of the notion of COMMON SENSE. Yet, what is “common sense,” really? How is it defined? Doctoral students from Evansville, Indiana,
recently offered Associate Professor & Departmental Chairperson Dr. Steve
Gruenert, at his suggestion, their thoughts and opinions on this oft-quoted concept. Dr. Gruenert has compiled their definitions,
streamlining for readership interest and scholarly learning. Some are quotes students have cited, thus
apologies to those original authors for not citing as such. Many of you are
enjoying a reprieve from your professional building responsibilities this week
and can, thus, take a bit more time for a “deeper read.” Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!
“…if you have ever purchased a self-help book on making
common sense decisions, you lack common sense.”
-- Evansville Doctoral Student
Considerations for Common Sense Assessment via Continuum
Assessment is a term
that determines a current position in relation to a desired position. Whereas
the term evaluation simply gives something a value, assessment tells us how far
we are from where we hope to be. To assess common sense, there needs to be an ideal established, and from that point
all other possible positions need to be identified. We shall assume the ideal
to be theoretical, that is, not truly to exist within any one person. Given
this approach, no real definition of common sense is necessary as we simply
find a way to measure the distance between where we are and where we hope to
be. We’ll try to avoid defining the phrase, because of
its lack of precision.
To assess common
sense, we also need someone to do something. A type of observable action –
which implies a decision was made to inform that action – will serve as that
which is measured. It cannot be a
thought, a preference, an opinion, an idea, or emotion. While these concepts
may influence a decision, we are assessing actual decisions, not the factors
that impact those decisions, despite the belief that emotions plus logic create common sense. Common sense guides the individual to use
reason, driven by reason, regardless of the emotion that may be attempting to
drive intuition.
Here is one way to assess common sense: By comparing the
initial reaction to the reaction you would have had, had you been given time to
think things through, then determining the relationship between the two
reactions. We can assess the “distance”
between what we did and (in retrospect) what we should have done. Perhaps we
could devise a scale or continuum upon which to plot this distance, ultimately
providing a sense of how much is necessary to maintain status within the window
of common sense.

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
As found
in the above figure, we might be able to create a window of common sense,
perhaps most might situate this window between -1 and +1.
There is strong argument for the notion that common sense is
not defined by the user but by the consumer of the actions of the common sense.
Thus, this distance should be assessed by an observer, not the actor -- which
puts us in the dilemma of one person accusing another of not having “enough common
sense to come in out of the rain,” while another may respond life is about
taking opportunities to “dance in the rain.”
This forces us to recognize common sense not as a tangible
entity held by a person; it seems to be an attribute that members of a
community project on one another; a collection of traditions that a community
has developed; a way of behaving which is reinforced through a recurring
pattern of reactions to statements and events -- in essence, to act in ways
that make sense to the relevant community. A person’s common sense standard is
related to the area in which the
person uses the common sense. Thus, a bit of knowledge in that area may be necessary.
The areas that may inform common sense could include, but
not be limited to: (a) safety, (b) courtesy, (c) logistics, (d) behavior, (e) discipline,
(f) communication, (g) social skills, (h) personnel management, (i) leadership,
(j) finance, (k) relationships, (l) situational awareness, (m) optimizing, and (o)flexibility. Additional notions include thinking sensibly
while (p) remaining calm; the (q) ability
to survey the social and professional scene and carefully decide on next steps
that preserve important relationships but insure that important actions are
taken. Each area might be scored on the
same continuum.

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

The overall pattern or
predominance of indicators could provide a means to determine whether a
preponderance of common sense exists, or not. In the above figure, scoring
indicates 8 out of 18 criteria in the common sense range. This is 44%. Most
might find this person to be lacking common sense. It is important to state
that this process does not assess effectiveness.
Once this process has been refined, we might be able to
develop a hierarchy of performers. Those possessing the most common sense would
be studied further to determine their secrets to success while the rest of us aspire
to their abilities. Anyone with uncommon
amounts of common sense would be granted special status. They could help us
further define common sense as their actions in the future would be regarding
as exemplary (see Animal Farm). This may be viewed as an attempt to project
one’s own beliefs on the population at-large. A handbook on common sense could
be created. Yet how much sense would it make to those who needed it? Perhaps
those who do not show adequate yearly progress toward increasing their common
sense could experience an intervention from the state?
To digress, many believe common sense is not measurable. To
some, common sense is considered the “mean” of the shared culture, which
everyone seems to know--yet to which no one can assign a value. Common sense is
in the eye of the beholder; therefore, depending upon who is measuring, one
might or might not display common sense.
Yet, others find it
measurable by determining when it is not present. The negative space, or lack
of data, still tells us something. Lacking common sense can be an action that
is assumed to be in opposition to popular opinion, and thus, that action leads to
a less than desirable result. If others in the culture respond by labeling
those individuals as lacking common sense, then perhaps a predominant score
located to the left of common sense (on the continuum) can be defended.
Common Sense as Prelude to Effectiveness
A person has never had to be highly effective in academic
performance if they were able to apply common sense. Common sense absolutely
comes from learning from our mistakes and those of others. Experience and common sense can keep you from
doing stupid things. Common sense is using practical knowledge with limited,
specialized knowledge. Therefore, we
might surmise a correlation between the two concepts, but not causality.
The more common the sense is, the more successful the
administrator will be in the eyes of the community. It is literally knowing
what to do and when to do it, and that all depends on whom the players are in
the arena. If the goal of a leader is to
maintain an acceptable reputation for having common sense, he/she must be in
tune to the expectations of the community. The community defines common sense.
Common sense also relies heavily on the experiences of an
individual. Experiences or
background knowledge, not necessarily formal education, enables leaders to
predict consequences more accurately. The mistakes leaders make when faced with
new cultures are often attributed to lacking common sense. “What were they thinking?” is a frequently
asked question. Yet, to improve common sense, one should experience
more surprises in life so that those can be used in the future as common sense
If we don’t think and react as the status quo of “regular-minded”
people, then we are lacking common sense.
Some amount of experience is required for common sense. Therefore, new professionals may make several
mistakes and live with the consequences (unless they are pilots) before
learning what not to repeat. The bridge between common sense and effectiveness
is fun to imagine. Becoming effective could be perceived as a matter of
cataloging mistakes – knowing what was outside of the common sense range, yet
knowing which of those were okay. Common sense is something to be learned and
hopefully increased over the course of on-the-job experiences and extensive
human interaction.
If you can keep the common sense label, and therefore your
job, you cannot move forward without bringing the understanding of the
community with you, a very slow boat. While common sense is not very effective
in strategic decision making, it seems to provide a comfort among folks needing
to make tough decisions. In the end, the choice to balance common sense with
science is made, and the process continues.
Loss aversion and status quo bias serve as two reasons why we can’t rely
on common sense. Difficulty can be anticipated when what makes the most sense
may not be the “common” sense. Having experience in knowing the expected
decision may be the essence of common sense.
Life Implications
The common sense verdict of the majority of ordinary people
throughout history is much more likely to be accurate than the latest
fashionably brilliant insight of the ruling elite. Reliance on our past
experience alone can lead to predictability and prevent us from exploring new
ways of thinking. Common sense is usually the default, but it can be a trap.
As you continue your trek toward the Ph.D., someone wrote: One who becomes more intelligent will
begin to display less common sense. Perhaps the best measure is having enough common sense to
know when to keep your mouth shut. Intelligence is teaching others with your
mouth shut…well, at least it should not be open as much as the learner.
Dr. Steve Gruenert
encourages your thoughts, comments, and reactions, as well as your
contributions to these notions of Common Sense, and can be reached at
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Will I Lose Touch?
Will I Lose Touch?
By Dr. Ryan A. Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
reservations were expressed to me in a question asked recently by a future
Principal: “Will I lose touch with students
when I move from the classroom to school leadership? I don’t want to lose the
one-on-one connections I have.”
apprehensions are to be expected in this transfer of professional
responsibilities; after all, no prescribed class rosters or officially scheduled
students will fill a leader’s playbook each day through which to foster and maintain
positive relationships. Plus, the fact
that one’s locus of responsibility expands from 30 to 150 students all the way
to 300 or 3000, as well as dealing with faculty and staff issues, is enough to
get anyone’s attention.
I can say, without hesitation, that “all is good.” I have found through many years of building
leadership that a principalship was even more satisfying than a position as
classroom teacher to forge one-on-one relationships with students and to make a
positive difference. This has to do with
three variables: (1) A principal’s
paternal/maternal identification as a leader, (2) Autonomy for
targeted/assisted intervention, and (3) Authority through which to make
life-changing decisions.
as principal, students often identify with you either paternally or maternally,
influenced in part by the “in-loco parentis” factors of school cultural
symbolism, those that occur visibly through a leader’s participation in school-day
presentations, greetings, events, rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations of
school life and identity. As principal,
you not only become the living logo of the building, through which school
mission and vision are embodied, you also become a father or mother, a “dad” or
“mom,” to students.
Your role is such
as the building’s premiere parent, and because of such, students will do what
they typically do to maximize their desires for parental “permissions.” They’ll attempt to please you, of course, and
even look up to you at times, yet they’ll predictably also play “parent versus
older siblings” and seek YOUR help in trumping what another in authority has demanded
of them. What this amounts to is much
traffic to your office, as well as many attempts to get your ear, from all in
the school community.
To say that these
experiences with you are anything less than impressionable for students would
be an understatement. Through your
interactions, students hang on your every word, carrying your messages to others
willingly, serving up the knowledge gleaned as most worthy of family (school
family) discussion. Your presence and
symbolism have great power and impact; please realize this humbly and
as principal, despite all that confronts you from “without” – such as the
increasing responsibilities in dealing with the market forces of school
competition, standardized testing pressures, classroom observation logistics, data
analysis responsibilities, and curricular mandates -- the lion’s share of your time
each day is spent interacting one-on-one, or in groups, “with people.” You spend much time communicating with those who
work each and every day to help your school reach its goals, thus allowing you
opportunities to build, what Sergiovanni (2009) would call, relational trust
with your followers. I would suggest
that with this in mind, much of your time, energy, and focus is rightfully
placed upon the needs of students.
Powerful to note is
that as principal, for the most part you are not required by assignment to
attend to specific tasks during externally prescribed periods of time. You set your own schedule to the degree that
emergency circumstances and your Superintendent will allow. In such, you decide
upon whom or what to focus. Imagine the opportunity to focus on children each
morning in the manner in which you choose -- to foster relationships with
students, as each and every day provides the need for positive adult-to-child
Before school
begins each day, as Principal you can watch closely and identify those kids who
are coming to school in need of most help and attention. You then have the opportunity for a kind
word, some unencumbered moments of your time, an invitation to your office, and
even some personal effort to make things a bit better for them. Imagine from the standpoint of a struggling
student, the meaningfulness and memorability of a school leader’s taking the
time to provide a helping hand … just because the principal cares enough to do
so. I would argue that there is not a better anvil and hammer to forge relationships
than your ability as a principal to “care.”
Tough (2008)
noted the importance of an educator’s caring, stating:
It was the X
factor, the magic ingredient that could outweigh all the careful calculations
behind [a school’s] strategy for success … what made a difference in many
students’ lives was a personal connection that was impossible to measure and
difficult to replicate. If the kids
didn’t get that, all the tutoring in the world might not help them. (p. 186)
demonstrating “care” in the most arduous of circumstances was Tough’s (2008) example,
through which heroes made a positive difference. So can you.
To those who
believe that school guidance counselors have this as part of their job descriptions
– Absolutely; they most certainly do,
as schools are not limited in the number of heroes they employ. Yet, there’s no
substitute for a principal’s taking time as well to individualize and act on
behalf of students, within the framework of his/her expertise, authority, interest,
and compassion. There’s enough “need” to
go around in today’s schools, as children come to us more broken all of the
time, in need of heroes.
as Principal, you have the greatest authority within your building to use your
panoramic perspective to “do what’s right” and make a positive difference. You see the entire picture and can act upon
it. Students and staff will seek you out for redress of “wrongs.” Even in times in which you try your
best to act discreetly and confidentially, news will spread regarding your
actions. This can be used to your advantage; after all, you have the power to
act when others do not. People will know more about you than you realize; they
will identify closely with “the you” that your office, your beliefs, and your
deeds represent. You will create bonds
with others simply because they respect and admire what you have accomplished. You are a living logo with visible authority
to wield great power on behalf of the underdog.
Thinking back to
one of my most meaningful experiences as a K-12 leader, I was tending to
paperwork in my office in the half hour or so after I announced to students in
a school-wide meeting my retirement-of-sorts from the K-12 public schools. As most students and staff were back in
class, a small group of students filed in and sat with me, some with smiles and
well-wishes; others in tears. What
surprised me the most was the fact that a few of the students who were crying
were not those whom I was even aware of close feelings on their part. Humbling. The
authority through which principals make life-changing decisions brings us
closer to students than we may ever realize.
relationship with students, upon taking a position as a building leader, may
not be exactly the same as it was while a faculty or staff member, yet it will
most certainly be “as close” and “as powerful,” if not more so. We don’t lose touch. All is good!
Yet, I caution that with this realization of potential for strong
connections, we also understand that a direct result of factors (1), (2), and (3) above, can be as much negative as
positive, if we are not acting with virtue, mission-mindfulness, and
student-centeredness. Amidst the
challenges that school leadership brings to those of us willing to accept the
invitation come the greatest possible rewards through relationships with
students and stakeholders lasting a lifetime.
Sergiovanni, T. (2009). The principalship: A reflective practice
perspective (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Tough, P. (2008). Whatever it takes: Geoffrey Canada’s quest to change Harlem and
America. Boston, MA: Mariner Books.
Dr. Ryan Donlan can be reached at Indiana State University at or at (812) 237-8624.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
What Is Your Investment Strategy?
What Is Your Investment Strategy?
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of
Educational Leadership
Bayh College of
Indiana State
During challenging financial times, school leaders must be careful,
indeed, in how investments are made in Human Capital. Most discretionary spending is gone. Cuts are being made across the board. Times
are tight.
Some have reacted by pulling in the reins on professional
development funding, curtailing trips to conferences and redlining fees for in-house
trainings. Others have narrowed the focus
to “needs,” not “wants, “ oft-times defining needs as training in only those content
areas that will help in securing the biggest bang for the school achievement
buck. Understandable, it seems, with
finite resources.
Again, these are tough times.
Although we in ISU’s Bayh College of
Education’s Department of Educational Leadership have sound knowledge of school
finance, we can’t – and wouldn’t – tell you how to spend your money. You are best positioned to make those
decisions with knowledge of your local circumstances.
We can, however, offer some food for thought on how to think
about a new “Investment Strategy” in your greatest asset – “your people” – the
star performers who make a difference on behalf of children and community each
and every day. Please let us know if
this advice is helpful.
First, only invest in Human Capital that will result in
Social Capital. The days of sending
teachers to trainings, only to have them return to the buildings to shut their
doors and teach in isolation, are over.
Unless you will reap five-fold the investment with those involved in
professional development opportunities, spend elsewhere. Social Capital involves not only teachers
within buildings networking to share their newfound expertise; it also involves
those with new skills seeking community partnerships that can augment the
in-class experiences for students. As a
possible rule of thumb -- “two inside partners and at least one outside partner”
should be secured for each professional development opportunity leadership
provides to staff. That responsibility for
securing the partnerships is the person’s attending the training.
Second, invest selectively in staff opportunity when it comes
to attendance at soft-skills trainings (as I differentiate those from
content-area or academic skills trainings).
Soft skills trainings, as I define these experiences, are those that
help staff more effectively “reach” students through socio-emotional channels. Study
the content of such to ensure that the dividends will
positively affect student “self-efficacy.” None can argue the benefits of students’
feeling good about themselves, but I would argue that an unintentional
byproduct of an overemphasis on self-esteem, as opposed to self-efficacy, in students has been the fostering
of an unintentional, yet overindulgent hyper-consumerism, as opposed to an
increase of individual responsibility. Staff members have
a point if they say, “If kids feel awful, they can’t learn.” I agree. However,
I would also pose that the path toward feeling good about oneself is through success
borne of hard work and personal effort, as well as the first-hand knowledge
that one is empowered to make a positive difference in his/her life as a
student and as a person. We must empower
students, not enable them. Professional development should train educators to do just that.
Finally, at Indiana State University, we offer graduate
students ongoing relationships and lifelong learning & professional development, not
simply in-class experiences. Consultants
and trainers should do the same. While
opening your school’s checkbook -- pay heed only to outside consultants who are
going to offer ongoing relationships, as opposed to one-shot drive by’s. Some of the very good ones do this by
offering ongoing coaching to organizations at reasonable prices or
instructional materials for reasonable purchase after events; others do it by
maintaining an active, vibrant, and professionally enriching on-line presence, one
through which clients can continue learning after trainings are complete. Still others allow for continued
communication through Blogs, Twitter, Skype, and other Professional Learning
Community portals. Whatever medium
exists … make sure it is one that will allow continued “learning” after the day
of training is complete, in whatever form that works best for your staff. Time and money are too precious to expect
What is your investment strategy? Have you examined it recently?
Dr. Ryan Donlan can be reached at (812) 237-8624 or at and can be
found with his own on-line personality on Twitter at
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
ISU's 2011 Award Winning School Leaders
ISU Students are WINNERS!!!
"CONGRATULATIONS" to current and former Indiana State University Bayh College of Education Department of Educational Leadership students for their SCHOOL LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS, selected recently be the Indiana Association of School Principals.
They are:
Mary Beth Harris, Fuqua Elementary School, Terre Haute, IN. STATEWIDE WINNER!!!!
Jane Rogers, Milan Elementary School, Milan, IN.
Judith Stegemann, Stout Field Elementary School, Indianapolis, IN.
Michael Sowers, Southmont Jr. High School, Crawfordsville, IN.
Timothy Vislosky, West Vigo Middle School, West Terre Haute, IN.
Bryan Emmert, East Noble Middle School, Kendallville, IN.
Andrew Hartley, Plymouth High School, Plymouth, IN.
W. Tom Russell, Mt. Vernon Senior High School, Mt. Vernon, IN.
Greg Walker, Brownstown Central Middle School, Brownstown, IN.
Roger Benson, Waldo J. Wood Memorial High School, Oakland City, IN.
Gregory Briles, Oregon-David Jr./Sr. High School, Hamlet, IN.
Destin Haas, Benton Community School Corporation, Fowler, IN.
Derek Marshall, Attica Consolidated School Corporation, Attica, IN.
Lezlie Winter, Mississinewa Community Schools, Gas City, IN STATEWIDE WINNER!!!!
"CONGRATULATIONS" to current and former Indiana State University Bayh College of Education Department of Educational Leadership students for their SCHOOL LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS, selected recently be the Indiana Association of School Principals.
They are:
Mary Beth Harris, Fuqua Elementary School, Terre Haute, IN. STATEWIDE WINNER!!!!
Jane Rogers, Milan Elementary School, Milan, IN.
Judith Stegemann, Stout Field Elementary School, Indianapolis, IN.
Michael Sowers, Southmont Jr. High School, Crawfordsville, IN.
Timothy Vislosky, West Vigo Middle School, West Terre Haute, IN.
Bryan Emmert, East Noble Middle School, Kendallville, IN.
Andrew Hartley, Plymouth High School, Plymouth, IN.
W. Tom Russell, Mt. Vernon Senior High School, Mt. Vernon, IN.
Greg Walker, Brownstown Central Middle School, Brownstown, IN.
Roger Benson, Waldo J. Wood Memorial High School, Oakland City, IN.
Gregory Briles, Oregon-David Jr./Sr. High School, Hamlet, IN.
Destin Haas, Benton Community School Corporation, Fowler, IN.
Derek Marshall, Attica Consolidated School Corporation, Attica, IN.
Lezlie Winter, Mississinewa Community Schools, Gas City, IN STATEWIDE WINNER!!!!
Department of Educational Leadership
Monday, November 28, 2011
Unintentionally, yet Most Excellently
Unintentionally, yet Most Excellently
A Way for “Doing
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
Any Given Affidavit in a Principal’s Career --
Dear [_________________] Police Department Officials:
Early Tuesday morning, at approximately 9:00 a.m., office
staff members received a report from two credible and reliable students that
[Student X] was attempting to sell marijuana in the upstairs boys’
restroom. As we heard the student was
still in the restroom area, [Assistant Principal Y] & and I proceeded to
the location immediately and initiated questioning of the student.
As we spoke with [Student X], who did not have
permission to be in that area of the school building without a hall pass, we
noted a distinct odor of what we thought was marijuana emanating from his
breath and clothing; his eyes were also quite bloodshot. [Student X] was
relatively inarticulate as he spoke with us and seemed unable to take things
Based upon both reasonable suspicion and a
preponderance of evidence that the student could be under the influence or in
possession of marijuana, a danger to himself and others and in violation of our
school’s safe and drug-free schools policies, we initiated a pocket and personal
item search and found approximately ½ ounce of a substance that appeared to be
marijuana in his book bag. A pipe with
resin was also found, as were rolling papers and a lighter. All artifacts and substances found were
clearly delineated in our Student Handbook as contraband in violation of school
rules, some of which necessitated a call to law enforcement.
Upon confiscation, we secured chain of custody of the
contraband by sealing it in an envelope, labeling and signing it as to its
contents, and locking the envelope in a secure location until the arrival of
police. We also performed a search of
the student’s locker and found nothing inside and made three separate attempts to
contact the students’ parents using the telephone numbers provided to the front
office. When those attempts proved unsuccessful, we appointed a school official
not involved in the investigation, in-loco parentis, to represent the student
during law enforcement conversation until parents arrived.
Police Department Officials took possession of the contraband
and asked that we follow-up with an affidavit.
The student was sent home with his parent and was cited for possession
of a controlled substance on school property. The school initiated disciplinary action, as
per the terms and conditions of the Student Handbook.
If you have further questions, please feel free to
stop by or call at anytime. Thank you
for your help and assistance.
[School Principal]
A few weeks ago, while providing some professional
development in my home state, I took some time to visit a local police station
for a talk with an old friend, Dan, now Police Chief in a community in which I served
formerly as a Superintendent. We shared
stories, caught up a bit, and reminisced of a time he was on patrol and I was a
school leader.
One thing he said caught me by surprise -- “You know, Ryan …
we really enjoyed how you made our job easier, each and every time we had to
take a report from an incident at your school.”
I was taken aback.
“What do you mean, Dan, making your job easier?” I thought he was kidding. You see, I always
felt that it reflected upon my leadership each time an officer needed to be
called to my school. I never thought it
made anyone’s job easier.
He responded, “Well, it was the way you used to write statements. After any given call to your
building, we would simply come back to the station, go to our fax, pull your
statement, and celebrate the fact that you really did such a nice job in report
writing for all of us."
He continued, “The day shift loved your reports. So did the prosecutors and judges. They were airtight. Thanks for that! We didn’t mind coming to your school at all.”
In the many years we had worked together, I never realized
this. I didn’t think anything of it; I only
wrote reports as I knew how – carefully, thoroughly, and expeditiously – then went
on to the other 100 items in my “in-box” for that day.
Since our talk, I now realize that one of the reasons my
reports went over so well was that I paid attention to my graduate classes in
school law. I studied hard, read deeply,
and knew the law. I found it important. Without even much thought, my reports
included such things as the credibility and reliability of information upon
which action was taken, standards of evidenced used for questioning of
suspects, the scope and sequence of searches & seizures, due diligence in
maintaining sanctity of evidence once collected, demarcation between law
enforcement and civilian jurisdiction and responsibility, steps taken to secure
the rights of those accused, especially with children under the age of 18, and
the statutory privileges we have as school officials to conduct investigations
to maintain safe schools, which in many states exceed the power and authority
of our friends in law enforcement. My
reports evidenced the fact that everyone was on the same page and we all had
our act together. We were a good team.
In short, my efforts in report-writing (something to which I
never gave 2 seconds thought over an entire career until my talk with Dan) unthinkingly
gift-wrapped most all that a police officer could want – as they included a
tight and tidy presentation of all that one could potentially be grilled over
by constituents or supervisors if things had gone sloppily. Further, my reports allowed police officers to
use the content as easy reference pieces in writing their own.
I now better understand that every time I asked my friends in
law enforcement to help us do our jobs, I ensured without even thinking, two
things: (1) That their desires for a
job-made-less-complicated were met as best as they could, and (2) That their constituents
would be pleased by their assisting us on behalf of students and community.
This now has me thinking whether or not I did so as well for
the Chamber of Commerce president, our Local and State Politicians,
Philanthropists, and a plethora of other friends that I kept close at hand and
requested assistance from over many years in school leadership.
Recently, if you have seen me at a speaking engagement, you
have probably heard me promoting a School Principal’s need TO THINK during the
school week – at least two hours per week on average. Consider (1) and (2) above as “topics next”
if you are taking time to do just that.
If we as School Principals are asking community partners –
whether police officers, business leaders, butchers, bakers, or candle stick
makers – to invest their time, talent, and treasure in schools, then we should
probably take time to think, “What’s in it for them?” and “Are their needs
being met?”
In short, if trusted partners and friends make investments in
our schools, are we helping to ensure that they better off than before they made
such? Ideally, the world would be full
of intrinsically motivated people who simply help us for the love of children,
and maybe this is the case in your local community. I hope so, as I have encountered this to an
impressive degree in mine.
Yet let’s not be naïve – In order to best serve the working
professionals who are motivated, from time to time, by incentives enticing them
to add value to what we are doing with children, we can fashion our efforts to
make it “even more worth it,” each and every time they step up to the
plate. It starts by our doing our job
better than most.
You’ll probably find that in most cases of “doing
partnerships,” it’s simply our serving “unintentionally, yet most excellently” in
leadership that makes the difference.
Dr. Ryan Donlan can be reached for comment at and
encourages ideas and suggestions for Blog content helpful to K-12 school
leaders making a difference!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
LODGED in K-12 Education
LODGED in K-12
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
By Robert Frost, 1928
The rain to the wind said,
“You push and I’ll pelt.”
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged – though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.
(In Latham & Thompson, 1972)
… So says today’s K-12 educator.
In this national race toward psychometric
measurability of everything “education,” are we considering how the educators
are feeling? You know … the “good folks.”
I’m not speaking on behalf of the small number of those in
our profession who have placed their own agendas in front of quality education or
those who have been ambivalent to such a degree that they have neglected to be
mindful of a need for continuous improvement.
Those are the ones, in part, who have given rise to the pushing and
I’m advocating for good folks, the educational superheroes
who are the best possible role models for our nation’s children - those who are
now under such extreme pressure to follow a mandated scope and sequence of
test-centered curricula that their children can no longer enjoy playtime in
elementary schools. I’m advocating for
folks who are no longer in charge of the “how” of what they used to do in their
classrooms, and they need to be.
It used to be that educators had as
the final line of their job descriptions, “All
other duties as assigned.” That was ok; the good folks accepted that. Today’s replacement: “All other duties that society abrogates,” goes
a bit too far.
That, coupled with the fact that children’s potential for
educational success is powerfully influenced before they ever reach our
nation’s classrooms, makes careers in K-12 education ones in which only miracle
workers should apply – ones through which only superheroes should aspire to
Please be a miracle worker or superhero, in spite of the rain
and the wind.
Consider what many refer to as Miscel's Stanford University
Marshmallow Study (Prairie View 2008, crediting as well Miscel, Shoda, and Peake, 1990).
Researchers placed hungry 4-year-olds alone in a room with a single marshmallow
each. They mentioned to the children that if they did not eat their marshmallows
before the researchers returned, they could each have two marshmallows. Those who maintained the ability to control
their impulses were seen during a follow-up study to have notably higher SAT
scores than the children unable to control their impulses (Prairie View, 2008).
Through such studies, one could surmise that a certain degree
of emotional intelligence, or even school aptitude, is already present in
children before they enroll in school.
Yet, even though parents and guardians are logically implicated as “responsible”
for at least some of the disparities in aptitude and efficacy that exist in
children upon enrollment in school, educators are still held 100% responsible
for student achievement. Where is
parental accountability? Why not shared
If politicians wish to sharpen their efforts on true and
lasting student achievement, I would like to suggest a few areas through which
they can concentrate that would assist in accountability for student
Legislation declaring that children’s playpens should not be placed in front of televisions as de-facto babysitters for
infants and toddlers from birth to age 3 would be a good start. How about local
ordinances requiring that all parents, from neglectful deadbeats to two-parent career-aholics,
“step-up” and spend more time with their children, so as to provide for their
basic needs and language development? What about tighter regulations prohibiting
the exposure of our youngest children to indelible messages of "easy money without
hard work," as well as suggestions that parents turn away
from their social networking sites in order to spend each evening reading to
their children? Sounds far-fetched and a
bit too “Big Brother-like,” I realize, yet at minimum, encouraging public
conversation of such would at least raise awareness of key variables impacting
learning that school officials can’t control.
A more politically
feasible suggestion, perhaps: Through a reallocation of state budgets, support
could be given to a statewide early education initiative that would allow all
children, from birth to Kindergarten, to receive free books in the mail each
month, mailed to them personally, an idea now championed in certain local
communities through philanthropic support and trusted partnerships. One such champion of these efforts with a
deep love for children is Mike Dewey, an educational leader and friend of mine
– a true superhero – who has advocated that all children have reading materials
at home (Bay-Arenac, 2012). I would
encourage those criticizing good educators to think “more like Mike.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if those currently pushing and pelting
would exercise their leadership to un-lodge our heroes in K-12? The “good folks” need to feel a little less
like the flowers in Frost’s poem. Conversely, others more responsible for the plight of
our nation’s achievement need to feel a bit more of the wind and the rain.
Bay Arenac ISD
Imagination Library, a Dolly Parton-Inspired Program. Retrieved from
Latham, E., &
Thompson, L. (Eds.). (1972). The Robert Frost reader: Poetry and prose. New
York, NY: Owl Books.
Prairie View
Process Solutions Group (2008), July. The Capabilities Awareness Profile
Informational Guide. Training conducted at Prairie View Process Solutions in
Newton, Kansas.
Dr. Ryan Donlan can be reached at (812) 237-8624 or at
Dr. Ryan Donlan can be reached at (812) 237-8624 or at
Thursday, November 17, 2011
ISU Ed. Leadership Faculty "ON THE ROAD"
Indiana State
University’s Department of Educational Leadership will be presenting at the
Indiana Association of School Principals State Conference in Indianapolis on
Monday, November 21, 2011.
Join us in session
for the following:
Improving Your Culture and Climate
Dr. Steve Gruenert and Dr. Todd Whitaker offer substantive
information on school culture and climate. At
the end of the session participants will be able to have a more effective
communication tool they can use in their own school setting; they will also be more effective
at motivating and leading their faculty and staff and will understand how to infuse
their personal belief systems throughout their school.
Navigating the “New Normal” – Surviving and Thriving in Education
Terry McDaniel, Bobbie Jo Monahan, and Dr. Ryan Donlan provide relevant
and engaging information regarding recent legislative and legal initiatives in
Indiana affecting job requirements of building principals and their staffs, as
well as strategies that will help building leaders operate in an increasingly
competitive educational environment. The
new “big picture” will have “building-level relevance” in this presentation.
Friday Focus: A Staff Memo That Works
Dr. Todd Whitaker presents
the "Friday Focus," a weekly staff memo that motivates, organizes,
sensitizes, and can be the impetus for change throughout the school. Principals
will learn how to use an existing tool – the staff bulletin or email – to help
establish expectations, build belief systems, and provide a tool for continuous
school improvement. Samples will be shared, along with specific techniques that
will enable all principals to infuse energy and excitement into their buildings
and staff on a continual basis.
Dealing with Doorknobs: Motivating Non-Performers to Succeed
Ryan Donlan shares how school leaders can effectively deal with those in the
organization are causing trouble – the critical, suspicious, defiant, manipulative,
mistake-prone, and aloof … both students and staff! Watch how he brings to life the different
personalities in your schools and offers a cookbook of connection in how to
deal with them.
Launching the Principalship: Enhancing and Extending Your Honeymoon
leaders new to their roles often find that the demands of the positions lend
themselves to challenge, as well as the use of extensive personal time juggling
the learning curves involved. Dr. Ryan
Donlan offers strategies for fostering "Camelot" to those new to the principalship, interestingly
relevant to seasoned principals looking to become superintendents as well. A detailed, one-page road map will be shared with all session attendees.
Travel safely to Indy, everyone!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Dealing with Doorknobs
Dealing with Doorknobs
Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of
Educational Leadership
Bayh College of
Indiana State
Pulling from an article regarding “doorknobs” that I will be
sharing at an upcoming principals conference, I thought it best to focus this
week’s conversation on those who are making life very difficult for others in
school. I call them doorknobs – not in
the negativistic sense of a slang term for a buffoon or malcontent – as doorknobs
are, in actuality, otherwise good people in distress. I use the term “doorknob” in a metaphorical
sense that envisions our using interactions with distressed people of all ages
to “open-up” new doorways for positive communication and productive output. Who are our doorknobs?
Those who are critical, suspicious,
defiant, manipulative, mistake-prone, and aloof – These are students, as well
as staff, and they are causing problems in American schools. They may be lurking in a teachers’ lounge or
waiting among a line of students referred to your office. Distress is an equal opportunity inflictor.
With the current school accountability demands placed upon us
by state and federal officials, just how often can we allow doorknobs to derail
school culture and educational achievement?
Not long.
Schools must keep the main thing, “the main thing” each and
every day – and that main thing is student achievement (Jeffrey, 1997). Children’s
lives depend on meaningful instruction with few interruptions; so does the
future of our schools and the American way of life.
The question becomes, “How to we
deal with doorknobs, quickly turning them into doorways?”
Forty years of research suggests that power struggles can be
avoided and performance improved if educators learn that all people have
specific, positive personality strengths aligned with psychological and
environmental needs. If these needs are
met, performance is optimal; if not, then predictable, sequential distress
patterns of negative behavior and non-performance can occur (Kahler, 2006, 2008).
Dr. Taibi Kahler, in 1971,
envisioned the way in which people interacted with each other in productive and
non-productive ways. The power of this discovery was that interpersonal
behavior could be analyzed, to-the-second, as being either “communication” or
“miscommunication.” Both patterns, positive and negative, were predictable and
measureable (Kahler, 2008). Kahler has
since translated his clinical concepts into a model of for educators entitled
The Process Education Model® (PEM). It is a cookbook rich in theory and brimming
with behavioral intervention.
Educators well-versed in the Process
Education Model (PEM) can recognize signs of distress in other staff and
students, such as those characteristics of the doorknobs above. They can then provide targeted communication interventions
through the use of words, tones, gestures, postures, and facial expressions in ways
that best meets others’ psychological needs (Pauley & Pauley, 2009). The result: Improved communication, minimized
distress, and fewer interruptions to the teaching/learning environment.
For further information on Kahler’s
model, contact us in the Department of Educational Leadership. I particularly recommend
as a read, Gilbert’s (2004) Communicating
Effectively: Tools for Educational Leaders.
We’re also putting together our 2012 Summer Professional Development
Schedule that tentatively includes “Process” in the itinerary. Keep a read on this blog for further details
in the months ahead of us.
Oh … and if you are a Principal, conferencing in Indy on
Monday the 21st, stop by our ISU booth or see us in session, as we will be
turning doorknobs into opening doorways.
We would love to talk!
Gilbert, M.
(2004). Communicating effectively: Tools
for educational leaders. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Education.
Jeffrey, J.
(1997). Superintendent of Schools. Guiding Principles for Leadership in the
Public Schools of Petoskey, Michigan.
Kahler, T.
(2008). The Process Therapy Model: The
six personality types with adaptations. Little Rock, AR: Taibi Kahler
Associates, Inc.
Kahler T. (2006).
The mastery of management: Or how to
solve the mystery of mismanagement (6th ed.). Little Rock, AR:
Kahler Communications, Inc.
Pauley, J., &
Pauley, J. (2009). Communication: The key
to effective leadership. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press.
Dr. Ryan Donlan is a
nationally certified trainer in the Process Education Model (PEM) and provides
conference presentations, workshops, and service for educators looking to
foster enhanced school improvement. He
can be reached at
Monday, November 7, 2011
Climbing the Ladder: Where is Your "Best Fit"?
Climbing the Ladder: Where is Your “Best Fit”?
By Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
The sun was shining; a warm
breeze came from the southwest, as I heard the classic “ping” of a Ping putter,
followed shortly thereafter by the rattle of a ball in a cup. Smiling at his accomplishment, Elementary
Principal “Tommy V” as we called him – an even better educator than he was
golfer (and he was very good on the course) -- said, “You know, Ryan, one of
the things that you will enjoy in leadership is that you will have more time to
make thoughtful decisions. You can confer with colleagues and weigh the issues
before taking action. You’ll have space.”
He contrasted that from the quick decisions made on an hourly basis in
teaching, as I had just accepted my first Assistant Principal’s contract. We
were enjoying a day as an administrative team -- our “Community.”
I have thought much about Tom
over the past 16 years, as I have ascended from Assistant Principal to
Principal to Superintendent. Now as a
University faculty member, I think often, “Which role suited me best and
why?” “How was Tom’s notion of time and
space involved?” “What was my ‘best fit’?” In this trip down memory’s lane, one
“constant” keeps coming to mind for me– the notion of Community.
I’m one who needs Community,
as defined: A close knit of similarly situated professionals with whom to spend
time, enjoy each other’s company, trade stories, garner advice regarding the
challenges of the day, mourn losses, and celebrate accomplishments. Those considering climbing the ladder in
education may want to keep in mind the fact that the degree to which you get
more time, space, and authority to make decisions, the less “Community” you may
Where is your optimal
“fit”? Let us examine four key positions
in the educational hierarchy to help with this decision.
Classroom teaching is an incredibly
rewarding career. It has action; it has challenges! Teachers are the true
determinant of lifelong success for individual students. Consider the fact that
teachers have 30 high-energy variables – a.k.a. their students – doing myriad
things nearly every hour of the school day.
Teachers must make countless decisions at once; they have little time to
do so, little space to work, and they are even land-locked to their classrooms because
of their direct, supervisory roles over students. Teachers today have limited authority over
curricular decisions in today’s standards-based arena, and they cannot even use
the restroom when they desire. What they
DO have, however, is rich Community.
Duty-free lunches in the lounge with friends and a large group of similarly
situated professionals with which to commiserate are part and parcel of their
professional lives. They spend most of
their professional lives in that Community.
It is a great place to be!
Moving up the educational
hierarchy, one finds Assistant Principals. There is not a better opportunity to
help kids reflect on their growth and development and make better decisions
than there is as an Assistant Principal!
It is an incredible job. No longer tethered to classrooms, Assistant
Principals have more freedom of movement than teachers, yet they oftentimes
find that their supervisory roles in commons areas, such as courtyards,
cafeterias, and parking lots, slightly limit their true workspace
autonomy. Assistant Principals’ time is
often regimented because of these duties as well; however, they have a bit more
autonomy than teachers to schedule their days as they see fit. Disciplinary situations can mire them in
activity and require quick decisions, yet for the most part, they have more
authority to do what they need to do and more time to do it. Assistant
Principals typically have a small group of similarly situated professionals
with whom to enjoy Community and even can do so with their Principals at
times. Neighboring school districts and
professional associations offer up camaraderie as well. Yet, these aspects of Community are much more
limited than teachers, who have boatloads of Community each day. Assistant Principals can stay a number of
years in their Communities. There is
never a dull moment on the job!
The Principalship is a “choice
career” for those who wish to exercise true leadership and take responsibility
for an entire institution’s learning and success. Principals experience much
more latitude in the time and space needed to make decisions and perform their
duties. Oftentimes, they are handling matters more of importance than urgency. Although Principals have a certain degree of
building responsibility, supervisory functions can be delegated to allow time for
bigger issues of school vision, mission, instructional leadership, and external
facilitation. Their roles allow for more
authority as well, as they have prescribed power over the operations of the
school, staff, and students. Community for
Principals shrinks rapidly, as they have supervisory responsibility over all on
staff, even their Assistants. Leadership
requires them to make difficult decisions, some of which result in folks’ not
desiring the outcomes. Like squeezing a
balloon, every action taken on behalf of one end of the hallway has either a
positive or negative affect on the other end.
Lounges get quiet when Principals enter for a reason -- because
Principals are doing their jobs. Doing
one’s job can be challenging at times, and Principals must seek out other
Principals in other buildings for Community.
Because tenure is much shorter for Principals than teachers, oftentimes
Principals may need to change community, as well as Community, a few times
during careers. There is no more important person in a school building to the
culture of that organization than the Principal.
High-impact visioning,
large-scale educational impact, and the championing of systemic improvement are
secured most clearly via the Superintendency. For those with a 10,000-foot
perspective on what needs to be done to educate for a better tomorrow, there is
no better position in education than that of a Superintendent. The role can be a bit isolating, however, thus
limiting Community as we describe such herein, even further. With the highest
of authority that a Board of Education can bestow an employee -- with no
buildings to run directly and no students to supervise -- Superintendents have
great latitude in the time required to make decisions, in how they arrange
their days, with whom they meet, on what issues to focus, and where to be on a
daily basis. Yet, the decisions they
make and actions they take affect more than one building; they affect an entire
school district and community at large.
Imagine hundreds of balloons squeezed with each decision, affecting
numerous stakeholder interests, from the schoolteacher to the business leader,
from the farmer to the barber … not to mention every single parent or relative of
a student in the community. Restaurants,
not just teachers’ lounges, get quiet when Superintendents enter, at
times. Conversely, bars and coffee shops
may become louder. Community for a Superintendent, as I define herein, is quite
small, even though ironically, community visibility is quite large. The average tenure of a Superintendent is
much shorter than that of a Principal.
Because of this, one’s geographic location may shift every few years,
thus requiring the need to rebuild Community wherever one goes. The highest
degree of leadership prowess and resiliency is demanded of a Superintendent,
which is very fulfilling, indeed, for those with the “best fit.”
Those desiring ascension in
educational leadership must think long and hard about “the fit” of the next
level, examining their own needs in terms of professional Community, while balancing
those needs with respect to their desires for time, space, and authority in
their roles. One’s fit in education is
inextricably linked to the life one wants to lead and the Community in which
one needs fulfillment as a member. Be
aware that the higher you ascend in education, the more personal effort is
required to provide yourselves with the support and balance in your lives to
offset the shrinking Community and expanded community visibility that increased
responsibilities engender.
Dr. Ryan
Donlan’s perspective is based on 20 years service to K-12 education prior to
his faculty role, as well as his experience as an author, trainer, and educational
consultant. Your viewpoints are critical
to a healthy discussion of leadership topics such as this and are welcomed by
the Department of Educational Leadership at Indiana State University. Dr. Donlan can be reached at and can be
found on Twitter, @RyanDonlan. Please
offer us suggestions for future topics relevant to you.
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