What Is Your Investment Strategy?
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of
Educational Leadership
Bayh College of
Indiana State
During challenging financial times, school leaders must be careful,
indeed, in how investments are made in Human Capital. Most discretionary spending is gone. Cuts are being made across the board. Times
are tight.
Some have reacted by pulling in the reins on professional
development funding, curtailing trips to conferences and redlining fees for in-house
trainings. Others have narrowed the focus
to “needs,” not “wants, “ oft-times defining needs as training in only those content
areas that will help in securing the biggest bang for the school achievement
buck. Understandable, it seems, with
finite resources.
Again, these are tough times.
Although we in ISU’s Bayh College of
Education’s Department of Educational Leadership have sound knowledge of school
finance, we can’t – and wouldn’t – tell you how to spend your money. You are best positioned to make those
decisions with knowledge of your local circumstances.
We can, however, offer some food for thought on how to think
about a new “Investment Strategy” in your greatest asset – “your people” – the
star performers who make a difference on behalf of children and community each
and every day. Please let us know if
this advice is helpful.
First, only invest in Human Capital that will result in
Social Capital. The days of sending
teachers to trainings, only to have them return to the buildings to shut their
doors and teach in isolation, are over.
Unless you will reap five-fold the investment with those involved in
professional development opportunities, spend elsewhere. Social Capital involves not only teachers
within buildings networking to share their newfound expertise; it also involves
those with new skills seeking community partnerships that can augment the
in-class experiences for students. As a
possible rule of thumb -- “two inside partners and at least one outside partner”
should be secured for each professional development opportunity leadership
provides to staff. That responsibility for
securing the partnerships is the person’s attending the training.
Second, invest selectively in staff opportunity when it comes
to attendance at soft-skills trainings (as I differentiate those from
content-area or academic skills trainings).
Soft skills trainings, as I define these experiences, are those that
help staff more effectively “reach” students through socio-emotional channels. Study
the content of such to ensure that the dividends will
positively affect student “self-efficacy.” None can argue the benefits of students’
feeling good about themselves, but I would argue that an unintentional
byproduct of an overemphasis on self-esteem, as opposed to self-efficacy, in students has been the fostering
of an unintentional, yet overindulgent hyper-consumerism, as opposed to an
increase of individual responsibility. Staff members have
a point if they say, “If kids feel awful, they can’t learn.” I agree. However,
I would also pose that the path toward feeling good about oneself is through success
borne of hard work and personal effort, as well as the first-hand knowledge
that one is empowered to make a positive difference in his/her life as a
student and as a person. We must empower
students, not enable them. Professional development should train educators to do just that.
Finally, at Indiana State University, we offer graduate
students ongoing relationships and lifelong learning & professional development, not
simply in-class experiences. Consultants
and trainers should do the same. While
opening your school’s checkbook -- pay heed only to outside consultants who are
going to offer ongoing relationships, as opposed to one-shot drive by’s. Some of the very good ones do this by
offering ongoing coaching to organizations at reasonable prices or
instructional materials for reasonable purchase after events; others do it by
maintaining an active, vibrant, and professionally enriching on-line presence, one
through which clients can continue learning after trainings are complete. Still others allow for continued
communication through Blogs, Twitter, Skype, and other Professional Learning
Community portals. Whatever medium
exists … make sure it is one that will allow continued “learning” after the day
of training is complete, in whatever form that works best for your staff. Time and money are too precious to expect
What is your investment strategy? Have you examined it recently?
Dr. Ryan Donlan can be reached at (812) 237-8624 or at
ryan.donlan@indstate.edu and can be
found with his own on-line personality on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ryandonlan.
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