Powder Kegs in
By Dr. Steve Gruenert
Department of
Educational Leadership
Bayh College of
Indiana State
Theory postulates
that riots form when certain preconditions exist, those being deprivation and frustration
(Perry & Pugh, 1978). “The deprivation-frustration-aggression (DFA)
hypothesis suggests that social deprivation leads to frustration, which in turn
leads to aggression” (p. 146). Thus, the authors call this the “powder-keg”
hypothesis. All it takes is a critical incident for the keg to blow up.
things come to mind from the perspective of educational leadership: (1) Could
this explain why some students are prone to misbehavior? and (2) Can we
manufacture these conditions to incite teachers into aggressive professional
No doubt
I caught you by surprise with the second idea more than the first. I’ll explain
what I mean with the first idea now then try to build an argument for the
second one later.
deprive and frustrate anyone over an extended period of time will take its
toll. This frustration will silently accumulate until an event transpires that
gives it a release. The release can be cathartic in nature for an individual,
or it might cue many others in the same situation to make a stand. In schools,
we find the same students’ having referrals, usually for the same offenses.
Tardy students can be predicted to be tardy again. Violent students are prone
to future violence. A question that school leaders might ask is, “What is the degree
to which we might be creating the conditions for these students to behave as
they do?”
We cannot
be responsible for the deprivation our students experience away from school.
Few schools are aware of the frustrations their students experience outside of
school, and even fewer try to compensate for these issues.
is it possible that we create conditions at school that “deprive” students -
that we create conditions substandard to what they desire? This is called
“relative deprivation.” It occurs when a group experiences a gap between the
conditions they are experiencing -- as current experiences are perceived more
unattractively than those they feel are necessary to conduct a quality way of
now, you may be ready to either read about my second idea or quit reading
Hang on.
Hang on.
What types
of deprivations do schools create or foster that work to frustrate students? See if
these conditions might support a small group becoming frustrated:
Assuming students have been fed before
coming to school
Assuming students have had plenty of
· Making public a student’s inability to
have sufficient materials (pencil, paper, access to the Internet at home)
Allowing second-class treatment of
students due to intellectual challenges
Requiring students to be still who have
the inability to sit in a chair and listen to a boring adult for 20 minutes or
· Restricting students who are overly
creative, forcing them to work within a prescribed framework that seems lacking
in purpose
Just to
name a few.
Is it
possible that the stuff we may think of as silly is quite important to a
And if
you get enough teenagers in the same group, experiencing the same deprivations,
becoming exponentially frustrated over time, is it no surprise that the “powder
keg” can be ignited with a very minor event? I’m not suggesting we walk around
on eggshells trying not to expose these poor children to any stress. However,
we might take a closer look at the negative patterns that emerge as students
respond to their environments. How much of their frustration is simply an adult
being insensitive?
Now to the
second idea: Manufacturing conditions that cause teachers to aggressively seek
out professional development.
Given the
new approach our state has taken toward teacher professional development – that it will not be conducted during school
time – current circumstance suggests that teachers need to seek out their
own opportunities. It will be no surprise that most will choose not to
participate in these opportunities given the new constraints. Thus, how do we
get teachers to choose to seek new knowledge about their craft?
them to a point of frustration.
is a state of mind. It is an imbalance between what is hoped for and what is
experienced. Satisfied teachers will do little to nothing to improve,
especially if they do not experience the frustration of deprivation. Is it
possible to sell teachers on the notion that they are nowhere near where they
could/should be on the continuum of effectiveness - that they have settled for
tend to be happy with what they have until they learn that the other guys have
it better. What happens if a school leader proclaims how much better the other
guys are?
I wanted
to stop there.
Is it
difficult to imagine that most violent events were predictable as some group
was deprived over a long enough period of time, such that their capacity to
deal with stress was taxed to a point of combustion. And it only took a spark, a spark that may
have had no relationship to the actual bigger picture of frustration, but was
sufficient enough to open the seal.
Perhaps teachers
will sense that they are being deprived of professional development
opportunities, and over time begin to create their own situations, either
positive (book clubs), or negative (spreading rumors), to alleviate the
frustration. Maybe the school leader can accelerate this process.
might a principal do to incite a mini-riot within his/her school faculty that
seeks to attack the lack of professional development? How can we “deprive and
frustrate” teachers to the point of aggressive action? Should the principal join the mob, feed the
powder keg, and at the right moment trigger a precipitating incident?
I’ll stop
Perry, J. & Pugh, M. (1978). Collective behavior. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing.
Perry, J. & Pugh, M. (1978). Collective behavior. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing.
Dr. Steve Gruenert is Department Chairperson of the Department of Educational Leadership in the Bayh College of Education. He encourages your comments and is available for conversation at steve.gruenert@indstate.edu.
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