A Unique Tool for Achievement
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
After years of “reform-this” and “redesign that,” we’re left
with the sobering reality that a gap continues to exist between the educational
performance of students in our nation’s schools.
This week, I build upon last week’s article, in which I wrote
that if we are to be effective in our classrooms and schools, we must shift our
personality energies while communicating with students, by introducing you to
Dianne F. Bradley’s, A Unique Tool for
Closing the Gap (2007), published in the Spring/Summer edition of the
Journal of the Alliance of Black School Educators. The article is fairly easy to find with a
quick, on-line search.
As I just shared with a great group of educators at a
conference in Indianapolis earlier today, Bradley (2007) builds on Kahler’s
work regarding the six personality energies that reside in students and are
important in children’s academic readiness and potential for learning in school.
As I mentioned last week, these personalities are as follows:
The Believer – This
personality processes the world through its beliefs
and has the qualities of being dedicated, conscientious, and observant.
The Thinker – This
personality processes the world through its thoughts
and has the qualities of being logical, responsible, and organized.
The Harmonizer –
This personality processes the world through its emotions and has the qualities of being compassionate, sensitive,
and warm.
The Funster – This
personality processes the world through its reactions
and has the qualities of being spontaneous, creative, and fun.
The Promoter – This
personality processes the world through its actions
and has the qualities of being charming, persuasive, and adaptable.
The Imaginer – This
personality processes the world through its inactions
and has the qualities of being calm, reflective, and imaginative. (Kahler,
What is interesting about Bradley’s
work is it offers a NEW explanation for our nation’s continuing achievement gap
(albeit “2007,” I realize). She noted classroom teaching methodologies in our
nation’s schools mostly reflect White/Anglo values, which is a mismatch with
the preferred learning pattern for African American students. Bradley addressed
the issue from an embedded values standpoint that which is nurtured,
celebrated, and reinforced in the home lives of students.
Her points were as follows:
Oftentimes, the communication barriers that exist between
mostly white teachers and African American students (boys, as one example)
result in referrals for disciplinary action, rather than using the healthy differences
that exist in communication to enhance learning (Bradley, 2007). As I have shared, teachers sometimes do not
“SHIFT” in their styles of communication, and when not doing so, they cause
problems for themselves and their students.
It is not so much a refusal to
shift, I would contend, as it is an unawareness that entirely different
communication and cultural patterns exist, those that should be learned, valued,
and utilized in classroom instruction.
This is important for both teachers and instructional leaders
to understand.
Preferred learning patterns of
Euro-Americans focus on competitiveness and individuality. Euro-American households encourage their
children to learn to sit still from an early age and passively receive
information that is being taught.
Conversely, African American households tend to be more group-oriented
and less competitive, with more “vocal response, physical movement, and verve”
(Bradley, 2007, p. 22).
Higher energy learning strategies are oftentimes absent from
Euro-centric instructional techniques.
What is particularly interesting
about Bradley’s research is that she overlays the preferred learning styles of Euro-Americans
with those of Kahler’s personalities of Thinker and Believer. These
personalities focus on valuing individuality, time orientation, work and
achievement orientation, and competitiveness. Preferred learning styles of
African-Americans, conversely, align more with Kahler’s personalities of
Funster and Promoter. These
personalities focus on communalism/group orientations, reactions with movement,
action/excitement, and relevancy (Bradley, 2007; Kahler, 2008).
“Although we cannot make sweeping
generalizations about the way that students of various races, cultures and
personality types learn, certain patterns exist” (Bradley, 2007, p. 29). The Euro-centered approaches so prevalent in
our nation’s schools work just fine for those students who are logical,
responsible, and organized, as well as those who are dedicated, conscientious, and observant. Yet these approaches work not as well for our
students who are more spontaneous, creative, and playful, as well as those who
are charming, persuasive, and adaptable.
Bradley encourages the use of more
culturally competent instruction, in conjunction to those that are mindful of
the theories of Kahler’s Process Education Model (2008), as “employing these
practices will help us begin to close the gap that keeps students whose
learning patterns differ from their teachers, from achieving in school” (Bradley,
2007, p. 30).
It all begins with an understanding
of those different from us and our willingness and abilities to shift into
others’ perceptual and communication frames accordingly. As educators and leaders, we OWN the
responsibility to shift, as well as the understanding that all personality
energies are equally “OK.”
Some students, because of their personality structures, perform
better than others in school (within a Euro-centric-structured system), and unless
we are willing to reframe how we think of school organization and delivery, we will
be working against the natural and beautiful attributes of many other student personalities
as we try to promote content competence.
Our responsibility starts with our holding up a mirror to
ourselves, realizing that although divergent personalities of every race,
color, and ethnicity are currently “OK” as they come into our schools, our
teaching and leading, as we serve them up for students, “might not be.”
Dr. Dianne F. Bradley has authored three books:
Effective Classroom Management: Six Keys to Success (Rowman &
Littlefield Education, 2006), Here’s How to Reach Me: Matching Instruction to
Personality Types in Your Classroom (Brookes, 2002), and Teaching Students in
Inclusive Settings: From Theory to Practice
(Allyn and Bacon, 1997).
Bradley, D. (2007, Spring/Summer). A unique
tool for closing the gap. Journal of the Alliance of Black School
Educators, 6(2). 20-31.
Kahler, T. (2008). The process therapy
model. Little Rock, AR: Taibi Kahler Associates.
Dr. Donlan share research interests with Dr. Bradley
and has spent time talking with her at conferences of mutual interest and would
love to extend this conversation at ryan.donlan@indstate.edu or via (812) 237-8624.
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