A New
Year’s Resolution
By Dr. Ryan Donlan
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
Dr. Steve Gruenert
Associate Professor and
Department Chairperson
Department of Educational Leadership
Bayh College of Education
Indiana State University
You’re a school leader … either at the
district, building, or classroom level.
As such, you’re probably spending quite a bit of time with assessment –
program assessment, standardized testing of students, teacher evaluations,
and/or student grading, just to name a few.
Yet how often do you assess yourself?
We’re not speaking of that quiet
reflection that happens on the drive home each evening on the return from
school. Most of us do that, and it’s
very helpful. We’re referring instead to
the type of assessment in which you use real data to make informed decisions
about your professional performance … with pre- and post- measurements
providing answers as to whether you have “improved” at something. In statistician’s terms … it’s has to do with
the Effect Size. Dieticians may call it waist size.
We just said “stats.” Better next say, as does one of our favorite
television commercials, “It doesn’t have to be complicated.”
You don’t need graduate-level
courses in statistics ...
You don’t need to
purchase SPSS analysis software …
You don’t need a
great deal of mathematical prowess …
You simply need to make a New Year’s
Say it with us … “In 2014, I will conduct
some Action Research.”
You could get very serious about it, as our
participants in the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute are doing this year,
and that would be fantastic. To say that
these folks are burning bright with high-octane leadership development would be
an understatement.
Yet, with all on your plate right now, you
might just want to keep things simple as you begin measuring … modestly. In fact, this might end up taking
things off your plate.
Here’s an
example of how easy action research can be:
A leader could …
Put together a short survey for staff
regarding your use of time at faculty meetings and gather the results
anonymously. Take a look at what they
say. Then make a change in what you do (i.e. incorporating one of Whitaker and
Breaux’s 40 ideas for Ten-Minute Inservices, or something like that). Ask
again, and again look at the results in March.
If things are going the way you want, keep doing what you are
doing. If not, tweak things a bit, and
re-measure in May. Review your results yet
again, and decide what’s next.
It’s that easy.
Here’s another:
Put together a short survey for staff
regarding your effectiveness as a school leader (or for students as to your
effectiveness as a teacher) and gather the results anonymously. It’s a quick, 360-degree input thing. Then … start a fitness or reading regimen and
pass-out the same survey in March (that is, if you maintain your regimen). Take a look at where you are. Tweak things if needed; look again in
May. Review your results and move ahead
from there.
Admittedly, a
bit of care needs to be taken to control for the natural, research limitation
of leaders’ asking subordinates about leadership effectiveness. Key communicators from faculty, or even school
counselors, can typically help with questionnaire dissemination and tabulation.
Let’s ask
ourselves a few questions that we could possibly research. After all, the
process is what is cool, even more so, at times, than the results.
drinking less soda allow one better to handle student misbehavior?
working out with a friend after school allow one better to “leave work, at
starting a book club, where teachers pick the books, change the dynamic of
lounge conversations?
thanking people more often cause resentment in some who value only authentic
dressing more casual, or more formal, enhance parental relations?
bringing alumni to faculty meetings reduce faculty misbehavior, yet at the same
time, could it drive resistance underground?
Consider these definitions on Action
Research cited by authors in a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
research is a form of investigation designed for use by teachers to attempt to
solve problems in their own classrooms.
It involves systematic observations and data collection, which can be
then used by the practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision-making and the
development of more effective classroom strategies. (NCTM, n.d., citing Parsons
and Brown, 2002)
Or one we like
even better …
Research is a fancy way of saying let’s study what’s happening at our school
and decide how to make it a better place. (NCTM, n.d., citing Calhoun, 1994)
As you work with teachers, staff, and
stakeholders, holding them accountable for their own data on performance and
asking them to take the initiative to improve upon where they are, can you put
yourself out there as an example of someone “living your own charge”?
Make a resolution; lead by example.
Make some time as we return from the
holidays to hypothesize; MEASURE SOMETHING.
Take ACTION … do RESEARCH … then talk about it.
Once measured, do some homework on what
you have measured, borrow from others, and then simply DO something different [even
something small, yet significant and different].
Then around March … measure again.
This New Year’s Resolution doesn’t have
to be complicated.
is Action Research Defined.
(n.d.). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Retrieved at http://www.nctm.org/uploadedFiles/Lessons_and_Resources/Grants_and_Awards/How%20is%20Action%20Research%20Defined(1).pdf
notes the following resources for its quotes:
Calhoun, E. F. (1994). How to use action research in the
self-renewing school. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Parsons, R. D., & Brown, K. S.
(2002). Teacher as reflective
practitioner and action researcher. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson
Whitaker, T., & Breaux, A. (2013). The ten-minute inservice: 40 quick training
sessions that build teacher effectiveness. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ryan Donlan and Dr. Steve Gruenert are faculty members in Educational
Leadership in the Bayh College of Education at Indiana State University. They
are working to encourage principals in Action Research as member of the Design
Team for the Indiana Principals Leadership Institute and can be reached at ryan.donlan@indstate.edu or at steve.gruenert@indstate.edu.
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