Just Out of Range
Ryan Donlan
of Educational Leadership
College of Education
State University
of Educational Leadership
College of Education
State University
experience in leadership brings with it an expanding repertoire of professional
with-it-ness in those who are authentic in reflection and intentional in
self-improvement. Even with this, our prioritization
of the urgencies results in important items being left “just out of range.”
thought it might be helpful this week to ask our friends and colleagues in K-12
leadership, “What aren’t we noticing?”
Luft and Harrington Ingham, in 1955, referred to an area that escapes our
awareness as a Blind Spot, a portion potentially known to others, yet not known to self (Luft, 1982).
any of the following “just out of range” to you, as they have been at times to
Faculty & Staff:
The team-playing faculty member who lets
students sit for a few minutes at the end of each class period, thus missing
out on numerous hours of instruction in a given year;
The dust atop a hallway’s running board,
the potential result of our interacting with custodians less often, and thus their
becoming less apt to consider their work important to the school;
The exclamation marks (!) affixed on
signs and flyers posted by staff – notations perceivable as put-off-ish;
The C-student who has no adult with
whom to connect, at school or at home;
The restroom graffiti that is
irritating, yet devastating to those who are described within (or the
discomfort felt by those who use stalls without doors because of our chosen
methods of dealing with it);
The contributions of student athletes
or club members who are not participating in the “Big 3”;
Parents & Community Members:
The techniques our faculty and staff
use to launch evening meetings with parents and community volunteers [Are those more introverted sitting
uncomfortably in silence as they await the start?];
The behavior exhibited by Parking Lot Nazis while families drop-off their children each morning;
The manner in which teachers address
parents over the phone and more importantly, their need for training in this
very skill;
Our Own Leadership Behavior and Communication:
Our moods on Mondays, as compared to
What our e-mails “say” through their
tone and word choice, or what they say about us because we are using
them to communicate to those down the hall in the first place;
The “learning” that is occurring with
students, as we are so focused on scripting;
… On a More Personal Level:
What we are doing and how we are being perceived, while we
believe no one is looking at the gas station or the grocery store;
The strength of the relationships with our significant
others, as this reflects whom we really are while putting on our professional
visages, and
Our own wellness, as defined by how we need to define it.
we consider those things “just out of range” in our leadership, should we be
asking ourselves, “If these examples are ones to which many of us can relate,
then why with such smart, student-centered people are they just out of range?”
we choose to leave them there, even subconsciously?
certainly wouldn’t seem of lesser value to us.
After all, they are not of lesser value to those who deal with their
it be that we are so derailed by our day-to-day’s, that it is more difficult to
notice things that require us to look long and hard at what is happening
beneath the surface and make more difficult decisions? Could it be that we never take time to think?
it has nothing to do with that; it could be that keeping things “just out of
range” allows us the option of keeping vulnerability just out of range
seems rather clear – Those things “just out of range” include the very elements
of the human condition that would bring us more closely in range to one another, if we would only allow their
identification and attention.
Luft, J. (1982). The Johari Window: A graphic model of
awareness in interpersonal relations. Retrieved at: http://www.library.wisc.edu/edvrc/docs/public/pdfs/LIReadings/JohariWindow.pdf
Ryan Donlan is currently working with
Mary Tracy-MacAulay in her doctoral coursework.
Please be encouraged to contact them at anytime at ryan.donlan@indstate.edu or at (812) 237-8624.
The more we share with each other, the fewer items we may leave “just
out of range” while we strive to make a difference.
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